Diabetes is a rapidly growing disease among children and adults. One in four Americans has either diabetes or pre-diabetes. The outcome of these diagnoses only gets worse when people try traditional medical treatments. What is Diabetes? The disease is so common that I do not think I need to explain it. However, it is a condition when your body either does not produce or consume insulin to control the sugar level within your body.
What diabetes really is and how to totally eliminate diabetes symptoms it is not something most people are aware of. Most of them reckon that they HAVE to live with the disease as long as they are “smothering” it. They do not understand that they can actually reverse their condition. If they do, the method to reverse it is not known. Unfortunately, over 50 percent of type 2 diabetics do not even know they have Diabetes. |
Of the people who do know, around 10% of them actually have type 1 DM and get a treatment that kills their pancreas completely before they know they have type 1 DM and not 2.
The argument behind all this is the improper and inaccurate information we have about diabetes. A huge amount of misinformation coming out from apparent savvy sources about diabetes has made for a confused understanding of the real Diabetes.
What generally is not told is that type 2 diabetes is not only preventable but symptoms can be TOTALLY eliminated also.
All you have to do is bring about some slight but
positive changes to your lifestyle.
These inexpensive life tunings will bring you back
the right levels of insulin and leptin sensitivity.
is not only diabetes alone that is the problem,
Diabetes is also one of the major causes of
heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, painful
neuropathy, and different infections.
Do you know,
in America, 150 legs of diabetic patients are
surgically removed daily?
What is the future if this condition persists?
a change is not seen in the way diabetes is
handled and cured, the day is not far when one out
of every three Americans would suffer from diabetes.
America, presently, diabetes is the fifth leading
cause of death. Almost 4,850 Americans are diagnosed
with the disease every day and 823 die from it the
same day!!
the globe, one person dies every ten seconds because
of diabetes.
I used to give my patients
ByettaŽ, JanuviaŽ,
VictozaŽ, and as you may know the list goes on and
on. But they offered no REAL help. They may have eased the
symptoms, help in the “smothering” process but this is not the real solution
and nobody claims it is. My patients become
depressed as they believe there is no cure.
The sad truth is that the
strong toxic
effect of all these drugs gradually poisons the whole body, which at the end of the day, only makes
Diabetes and permanent damage worse!
However, the good news is diabetes can be ELIMINATED. |
How Can We Heal Your Diabetes?
The healing process is done by using a simple step-by-step method that rehabilitates your body's resistance to insulin and in some cases even rehabilitates your remaining pancreatic cells to start reproducing a certain level of insulin (for type 1 diabetes) again. My method will also boost your supporting body systems and re-energize and purify your body for maximum health.
my step-by-step Treatment System, you'll learn how my Directed
method plus a special vitamin regimen will
significantly balance your blood sugar level, reduce your symptoms and eventually completely rid you of your current condition.
It shouldn't be any surprise to people that directed nutrition and simple plants and vitamins can be the basis for powerful cures. Contrary to popular belief, even prescription drugs aren't wholly manufactured from synthetics. Often a rare plant, available only in the rain forests of the Amazon, is the basis of powerful prescription medications. and don't forget that your body is MADE FROM natural materials and incorporates a system that uses natural products such as food to constantly rebuild and heal.
I followed this basic principle of pharmacology to find life-giving plants and herbs that could be the basis for reversing Diabetes. This would not only give patients comfort and new hope, but give their bodies a way to build strength and coordination and promote a far stronger immune system and body.
How long will it take to get back to a normal life again?
The vast majority of people see a major improvement within just a few short weeks. It really doesn't matter how long you have suffered with Diabetes or what else you have tried, the results are almost always the same.
What type of Diabetes do you have?
method mainly treats Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and
insulin resistance (metabolic syndrome X) but we saw
major success with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus as well.
Latent Diabetes (LADA) AKA Type 1.5 Diabetes is
basically the same autoimmune disease as Type 1
Diabetes Mellitus.